Planned Features
Auto scale card's size depending the amount a cards in a zone
Move, reduce, iconize a zone
Clear cache option to force pictures update
Progressbar for picture download with "retry/cancel" buttons
Display text of cards without available picture.
Advanced phase control using profiles
Actions and tests using database content
Activated abilities for player, without using a card
Modifier on player
Naming a card
Copying a card / an ability with include/exclude tags for properties/actions/...
Magic The Gathering
Add deck restriction on deck to play with real constraints (Type I, II,..)
Change targets of spells (deflection, ...)
Re-arrange blockers
Control oppponent's turn
Constraint the amount of blokers up to...
Assigning damage as if was not blocked
Check the 'cannot be countered' by counter spells
Add half-half mana cost for Oracle2xml tool