All installation instructions are defined here
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Simply double-click on the "Magic" command.
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When you install Magic-Project, there is no copyrighted content, and since the game you're playing can use a lot of different data, and since the data should suit to your language (English, French,...) the best thing is to dynamically get and cache them.
Once downloaded, you can play offline since card pictures are downloaded, and attached are placed in the tbs/xxx/database.xml file.
Also a lot of people desire to get immediatly a full database.xml file... Magic-project can import some remote data like a big txt file and convert it to a big database.xml. Currently this process is not implemented, but if you give us this file and it's corresponding url, will integrate this feature ;).
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Required cards pictures are downloaded as needed in your local directory, and will never be downloaded later, unless you delete these files.
In the database settings (F4), you can define your preferences for data, and for pictures. If you know, or want to share a remote repository, please contact us using the feature request dialog.
Dowloaded pictures are placed into the tbs/xxx/images/proxies/ directory.
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Currently, there is no global server were you can find a pool of players. So you have to kno the IP adress of your opponent to join a game.
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Create a game menu (Shift+F2), choose your deck and push on the "create" button. You will see a small window waiting for your opponent. You can press the "cancel" button if you decide you cancel the game creation.
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Join a game menu (F2), choose your deck, pu the IP address of the host and push on the "join" button.
Note : if you are planing to play alone, leave the IP address to "".
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A deckbuilder is provided with Magic-Project. A deck format is very simple since it's a text format.
Sample : Hero;2 Indicate we have TWO "hero" card in the deck.
You must put on card per line.
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A card is defined in XML syntax. You can find some exemple in the "tbs/mtg/recycled" directory.
Also see the Create cards section
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Simply download the look and feel, and add the zip file to the "lib" directory.
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By helping us to discover some bugs.
By giving your impression, advise, ...
By making a small contribution
Also see the Contribute section
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