Download Magic-Project 0.94
Magic-Project is distributed in several formats for your convenience.
Magic-Project 0.94 is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
| Mirrors | Size (bytes) | Type |
Magic-Project 0.94 (install) | magic-project- | 9964380 | .jar |
Magic-Project 0.94 (bin) | | 10223130 | .zip |
Magic-Project 0.94 (bin) | magic-project- | 9072983 | .gz |
Magic-Project 0.94 (bin) | magic-project- | 8867487 | .bz2 |
Magic-Project 0.94 (src) | | 8867487 | Source .zip |
Magic-Project 0.94 (src) | magic-project- | 5930161 | Source .gz |
Magic-Project 0.94 (src) | magic-project- | 5566168 | Source .bz2 |
JDK | 5.0 or above |
Memory | No minimum requirement |
Disk | The Magic-Project application is in itself less than 10MB but will use more disk space when it's downloading pictures |
Operating System | No minimum requirement. Tested on Windows XP, Debian, and Mac OS X |
Screen | 1024x768 or greater is the minimum. 1280x1024 is recommanded |
The installation of Magic-Project consists solely of unpacking the archive in the desired directory. It's that simple!
Windows 2000/XP
- Unzip to the directory you wish to install Magic Project. These instructions assume you chose C:\Program Files\Magic-Project
- Double-click on /usr/local/magic-project/magic.bat file.
Unix-based Operating Systems (Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X)
- Extract the distribution archive to the directory you wish to install Magic-Project. These instructions assume you chose /usr/local/magic-project. The directory magic-project will be created from the archive.
- Make sure the /usr/local/magic-project/magic command has the execute flag using the chmode command.
- Execute the /usr/local/magic-project/magic command.
- During the first execution, Magic-Project will try to get some pictures from Internet like mana symboles, card pictures,...
- Once finished, Magic-Project is installed, and you can configure it like you want.