I cannot see card pictures, some cards appear as black rectangle, or mana symbols are not displayed

The associated picture could not be downloaded.

This often dues to a bad internet configuration, check that :

  • You must be connected to internet to cache the pictures, or manually getting the pictures.
  • You are behind a proxy. Go to the game->proxy menu, and configure your proxy login.
  • You are using a 'non official' card. Meaning there is no public picture corresponding to this card. You have to place your picture in the tbs/xxx/images directory, and optionally send it to us to include it to the next release.
  • No public picture proxy share the picture associated to this card. Maybe this picture has not yet been published, or the card name is wrong.
  • You are running two instances of Magic-project at the same time the same file, one instance is downloading the picture but the second cannot.


Magic-project is displayed in English but i'm not English

Magic-Project supports some language, but your language is not. Post a feature request, we'll try to translate the application into your language.

Also you can do it by translating the two 'en-lang.properties' files located in installation root and tbs/xxx directories.


I can't respond to a spell, i should get priority

Magic-Project indroduce the breakpoint and decline option on all phases. Yours and the the opponent's ones.

To play in real flow, remove all flags of phases.


Magic-Project says : No player has priority

This can append when :

  • There is an infinite loop in a rule of the game of a card.
  • The connection is broken but Magic-Project did not detect it
  • The game crashed, and so, send this bug to us throw the bug repport menu.
