Uses of Class

Packages that use Targetable
net.sf.magicproject.action Provides actions. 
net.sf.magicproject.action.context Provides context classes of an action. Provides action manipulating list of targetable adding only ONE target. 
net.sf.magicproject.clickable.ability Abilities. 
net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable Provides all targetable objects : player, card, card... 
net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card All card components. 
net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.player All player components. 
net.sf.magicproject.event Available events. 
net.sf.magicproject.event.context Context attached to a triggered event. 
net.sf.magicproject.expression Provides expressions. 
net.sf.magicproject.expression.intlist Provides expressions evaluating list of integers. 
net.sf.magicproject.expression.targetlist Provides expressions evaluating list of targetable components. 
net.sf.magicproject.stack All classes manipulating stack and controlling the abilities/actions flow. 
net.sf.magicproject.test Provides all tests. 
net.sf.magicproject.token Unclassed constants. Some utility classes. Contains all zones. 

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.action

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.action that return Targetable
 Targetable MoveCard.getAccessibleTargetable(java.lang.String attribute)
 Targetable AccessibleContext.getAccessibleTargetable(java.lang.String attribute)
          Return the shared targetable object from the given attribute.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.action with parameters of type Targetable
 boolean RemoveObject.checkObject(Ability ability, Targetable target, int nbObjects)
 boolean MoveObject.checkObject(Ability ability, Targetable target, int nbObjects)
 int Repeat.getPreemptionTimes(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Return nb times to repeat the next action exactly as it will be when the ability will be executed..Return -1 if value cannot be pre-empted.
static boolean ModifyTargetableRegister.modifyRegister(MCard source, Targetable targetable, int index, int value, Operation op)
          Generate event associated to this action.

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.action.context

Fields in net.sf.magicproject.action.context with type parameters of type Targetable
 java.util.List<Targetable> TargetList.targetList
          The targets added by this context.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.action.context with parameters of type Targetable
 void TargetList.add(Targetable target, Test test)
          Add yhe specified target to the list of this context.

Method parameters in net.sf.magicproject.action.context with type arguments of type Targetable
 void TargetList.addAll(java.util.List<Targetable> targetList, java.util.List<Test> testList)
          Add the specified targets to the list of this context.

Uses of Targetable in

Methods in that return Targetable
 Targetable SingletonTarget.getAbstractTarget(ContextEventListener context, Ability ability)
abstract  Targetable AbstractTarget.getAbstractTarget(ContextEventListener context, Ability ability)
          Return the targetable added by this action.

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.ability

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.ability that return Targetable
 Targetable Ability.getTargetable()
          Return card where is this ability

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable that return Targetable
abstract  Targetable Targetable.getLastKnownTargetable(int timeStamp)
          Return this targetable as it was at the given timestamp.
 Targetable Targetable.getOriginalTargetable()
          Return the original targetable without looking for the timestamp number.
 Targetable Targetable.getPrivateNamedObject(java.lang.String objectName)
          Return the named object.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable that return types with arguments of type Targetable
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Targetable> Targetable.getPrivateNamedObjects()
          Return a cloned instance of map of objects of this targetable.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable with parameters of type Targetable
 void Targetable.addPrivateNamedObject(java.lang.String objectName, Targetable targetable)
          Add an object to this targetable.

Method parameters in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable with type arguments of type Targetable
static void Targetable.targetize(java.util.List<Targetable> list, boolean[] highlightedZones)
          Highlight as "targetable" the list of targetable

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card

Subclasses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card
 class AbstractCard
 class CardCopy
 class LastKnownCard
 class MCard
          This class corresponds to the graphical element of a specified card, and correponds to an actor.
 class SystemCard
 Created on 5 mars 2004
 class TriggeredCard
 class TriggeredCardChoice

Fields in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card declared as Targetable
 Targetable DelayedCard.saved
          The saved targetable when this delayed card has been created
 Targetable DelayedCard.saved2
          The second saved targetable when this delayed card has been created

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card that return Targetable
 Targetable TriggeredCard.getLastKnownTargetable(int timeStamp)
 Targetable SystemCard.getLastKnownTargetable(int timeStamp)
 Targetable MCard.getLastKnownTargetable(int timeStamp)
 Targetable TriggeredCard.getOriginalTargetable()
 Targetable LastKnownCard.getOriginalTargetable()

Method parameters in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card with type arguments of type Targetable
 void TriggeredCard.checkAllCardsOf(Test test, java.util.List<Targetable> list, Ability ability)
 void MCard.checkAllCardsOf(Test test, java.util.List<Targetable> list, Ability ability)
abstract  void AbstractCard.checkAllCardsOf(Test test, java.util.List<Targetable> list, Ability ability)
          Checks all cards corresponding to this constraints

Constructors in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.card with parameters of type Targetable
DelayedCard(TriggeredAbility ability, java.util.List<Ability> abilities, int[] registers, Targetable saved, Targetable saved2)
          Creates a new instance of DelayedCard

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.player

Subclasses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.player
 class Opponent
 class Player
          Represents a player : name (avatar, preferences,...), mana and zones.
 class PlayerCard
 class You

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.clickable.targetable.player that return Targetable
 Targetable Player.getLastKnownTargetable(int timeStamp)

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.event

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.event with parameters of type Targetable
static void Targeted.dispatchEvent(MCard source, Targetable target)
          Dispatch this event to all active event listeners able to understand this event.
static void AssignedDamage.dispatchEvent(MCard source, Targetable target, int damageNumber, int damageType)
          Dispatch this event to all active event listeners able to understand this event.
static void ModifiedPropertyIntersection.dispatchEvent(Targetable target, int idType)
          Dispatch this event to all active event listeners able to understand this event.
static void ModifiedProperty.dispatchEvent(Targetable target, int idType)
          Dispatch this event to all active event listeners able to understand this event.
static void ModifiedIdCard.dispatchEvent(Targetable target, int idCard)
          Dispatch this event to all active event listeners able to understand this event.
static void ModifiedRegister.dispatchEvent(Targetable modified, MCard pSource, int register, int index, Operation op, int rightValue)
          Dispatch this event to all active event listeners able to understand this event.
 boolean Targeted.isMatching(Ability ability, MCard source, Targetable target)
          Tell if the current event matches with this event.
 boolean ModifiedPropertyIntersection.isMatching(Ability ability, Targetable target, int idType)
          Tell if the current event matches with this event.
 boolean ModifiedProperty.isMatching(Ability ability, Targetable target, int idType)
          Tell if the current event matches with this event.
 boolean ModifiedIdCard.isMatching(Ability ability, Targetable target, int idCard)
          Tell if the current event matches with this event.
 boolean ModifiedRegisterRange.isMatching(Ability ability, Targetable modified, MCard source, Operation op, int register, int index)
 boolean AssignedDamage.isMatching(MCard source, Targetable destination, int damageNumber, int damageType, Ability ability)
          Tell if the current event matches with this event.
static boolean AssignedDamage.tryAction(MCard source, Targetable target, int damageNumber, int damageType)
          Dispatch this event to replacement abilites only.
static boolean ModifiedRegister.tryAction(Targetable modified, MCard pSource, int register, int index, Operation op, int rightValue)
          /** Dispatch this event to replacement abilites only.

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.event.context

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.event.context that return Targetable
 Targetable MContextMtargetable.getOriginalTargetable()
          Return the MTargetable object of this context without considering it's timstamp.
 Targetable MContextMtargetable.getTargetable()
          Return the MTargetable object of this context considering it's timstamp.

Constructors in net.sf.magicproject.event.context with parameters of type Targetable
MContextCardCardIntInt(Targetable dest)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntInt
MContextCardCardIntInt(Targetable dest, int value)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntInt
MContextCardCardIntInt(Targetable dest, MCard source)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntInt
MContextCardCardIntInt(Targetable dest, MCard source, int value, int value2)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntInt
MContextCardCardIntInt(Targetable dest, MCard source, int value, int value2, int maxTimeStamp1, int maxTimeStamp2)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntInt
MContextCardCardIntIntTest(Targetable dest, MCard source, int value, int value2, Test test)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntIntTest
MContextCardCardIntIntTest(Targetable dest, MCard source, int value, int value2, Test test, int maxTimeStamp1, int maxTimeStamp2)
          Creates a new instance of MContextCardCardIntIntTest
MContextMtargetable(Targetable targetToSave)
          Creates a new instance of MContextMtargetable
MContextMtargetable(Targetable inTargetToSave, int maxTimeStamp)
          Creates a new instance of MContextMtargetable

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.expression

Fields in net.sf.magicproject.expression declared as Targetable
static Targetable Counter.superTested
          The upper tested card.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.expression with parameters of type Targetable
 int[] ListExpression.getList(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
          Return the computed integer list.
 java.lang.Object ReferenceValue.getObject(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 java.lang.Object ObjectValue.getObject(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 java.lang.Object Expression.getObject(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
          Returns the object value of this expression.
 int RegisterAccess.getPreemptionValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Return the integer value of this expression exactly as it will be when the ability will be executed.
 int BaseRegisterIntValue.getPreemptionValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 int IntValue.getPreemptionValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Expression.getPreemptionValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
          Returns the integer value of this expression exactly as it will be when the ability will be executed.
 int UnaryExpression.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int ToIndex.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int ToCode.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int TestOn.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int StringMethod.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int RegisterAccess.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int ReferenceValue.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Position.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int ObjectValue.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int ManaPaid.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int LowestAmong.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int IntValue.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int IfThenElse.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int HighestAmong.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
abstract  int Expression.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
          Returns the integer value of this expression
 int DeckCounter.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Counter.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int CardTypes.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int CardColors.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int BitCount.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int BinaryExpression.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int BaseRegisterIntValue.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int AbstractValue.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.expression.intlist

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.expression.intlist with parameters of type Targetable
 int Sum.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Size.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Minimum.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Maximum.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int LastIndexOf.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Last.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int IndexOf.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int First.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Counter.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.expression.targetlist

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.expression.targetlist with parameters of type Targetable
 int Size.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int LastIndexOf.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int IndexOfSavedList.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int IndexOf.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)
 int Counter.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context)

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.stack

Fields in net.sf.magicproject.stack with type parameters of type Targetable
 java.util.List<Targetable> TargetedList.list
          represents all targeted card(s) and/or player(s)
static java.util.List<java.util.List<Targetable>> StackManager.SAVED_TARGET_LISTS
          Represents the target list saved during this turn.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.stack that return Targetable
 Targetable TargetedList.get(int index)
          Return the target placed at index
 Targetable TargetedList.getFirst()
          Return the first target
 Targetable TargetedList.getLast()
          Return the last target
static Targetable StackManager.getSaved(Ability ability)
          Return the targetable saved into the specified ability

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.stack that return types with arguments of type Targetable
static java.util.List<Targetable> StackManager.getTargetListAccess()
          Return the target list.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.stack with parameters of type Targetable
 java.util.List<Ability> ActivatedChoiceList.abilitiesOf(Targetable targetable)
          return the list of playable abilities of this card
 void TargetedList.addTarget(int eventOption, Targetable targeted, Test test, boolean raiseEvent)
          Add a player/card to the targeted list
If the current target options indicates that an event has to be generated when a target is choosen, the event Targeted is dispatched.
 java.util.List<Ability> ActivatedChoiceList.advancedAbilitiesOf(Targetable targetable)
          return the list of playable advanced abilities of this card
 java.lang.String TargetHelper.getMyId(Targetable targetable)
          Return the target id of given component.
 void TargetedList.remove(Targetable target)
          Return the specified target from the list
 void TargetedList.removeTargeted(Targetable target)
          Return the specified target from the list

Method parameters in net.sf.magicproject.stack with type arguments of type Targetable
 void TargetManager.manageTargets(java.util.List<Targetable> validTargets)
          Highlight the given targets and the corresponding zones.

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.test

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.test that return Targetable
 Targetable TestOn.getTargetable(Ability ability, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 Targetable TestOn.getTargetable(Ability ability, MCard card, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 Targetable TestOn.getTargetable(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.test with parameters of type Targetable
 MCard TestOn.getCard(Ability ability, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable instance cast in Card instance.
 MCard TestOn.getCard(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable instance cast in Card instance.
 Player TestOn.getPlayer(Ability ability, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 Player TestOn.getPlayer(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 Targetable TestOn.getTargetable(Ability ability, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 Targetable TestOn.getTargetable(Ability ability, MCard card, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 Targetable TestOn.getTargetable(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 boolean Xor.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean ValidTargetAttachment.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean ValidAttachment.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean True.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
abstract  boolean TestObject.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
abstract  boolean TestExpr.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean TestCard.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
abstract  boolean TestBoolean.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
abstract  boolean Test.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Indicates if the specified card matches with the test to do
 boolean SupEqual.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Sup.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean ReplaceTested.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Or.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Not.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean IsSpell.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean IsPlayer.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean IsAbility.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean InfEqual.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Inf.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Has.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean False.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Equal.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Different.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean DeckCounter.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean ContextTest.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
abstract  boolean BinaryTest.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean And.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean ActionSource.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean AbilitySource.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean AbilityIs.test(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Xor.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean TestExpr.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Test.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
          Indicates if the specified card matches with the test to do.
 boolean Or.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Not.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean Has.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
abstract  boolean BinaryTest.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)
 boolean And.testPreemption(Ability ability, Targetable tested)

Uses of Targetable in net.sf.magicproject.token

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.token with parameters of type Targetable
 int AbstractValue.getValue(Ability ability, MCard card, ContextEventListener context, Targetable tested)
          Return the targetable on which the test would be applied
 int Register.getValue(Ability ability, Targetable tested, ContextEventListener context, int index)
          Returns the integer value of this expression

Uses of Targetable in

Methods in that return Targetable
 Targetable MCardCompare.getCard( dbStream)
          Return an implementation of card corresponding to this card name.

Uses of Targetable in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Targetable
 void ZoneManager.checkAllCardsOf(Test test, java.util.List<Targetable> list, Ability ability)
          Checks all cards corresponding to this constraints
 void MZone.checkAllCardsOf(Test test, java.util.List<Targetable> list, Ability ability)
          Checks all cards corresponding to this constraints

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