Uses of Interface

Packages that use XmlToMDB
net.sf.magicproject.xml XML builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 
net.sf.magicproject.xml.action XML action builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 
net.sf.magicproject.xml.event XML event builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 
net.sf.magicproject.xml.expression XML expression builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 
net.sf.magicproject.xml.modifier XML modifier builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 
net.sf.magicproject.xml.tbs XML rule builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 
net.sf.magicproject.xml.test XML test builder components : parsing xml cards/rules to build the MDB file. 

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml that implement XmlToMDB
 class DummyBuilder
 class XmlAnnoted
 class XmlTest
          Generic implementation of the XmlToMDB interface for managing XML elements relative to tests.

Methods in net.sf.magicproject.xml that return XmlToMDB
static XmlToMDB XmlAction.getAction(java.lang.String actionName)
          Return the action writter from the given name.
static XmlToMDB XmlEvent.getEvent(java.lang.String eventName)
          Return the event writter.
static XmlToMDB XmlExpression.getExpression(java.lang.String expressionName)
          Return the expression writter.
static XmlToMDB XmlModifier.getModifier(java.lang.String modifierName)
static XmlToMDB XmlTbs.getTbsComponent(java.lang.String component)
          Returns a suitable XmlToMDB implementation for the given tbs component name.
static XmlToMDB XmlTest.getTest(java.lang.String testName)
          Returns a suitable XmlToMDB implementation for the given action name (corresponding to the XML element name).
static XmlToMDB DummyBuilder.instance()
          Return unique instance of this class.

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml.action

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml.action that implement XmlToMDB
 class Abort
 class Action
 class Addability
 class Addmodifier
 class Addobject
 class Assigndamage
 class Assigndamagelist
 class Attach
 class Attachlist
 class Choice
          Propose to choose within several valid actions list.
 class Copycard
 class Createability
 class Createcard
 class Createmodifier
 class Detachme
 class Facedown
 class Faceup
 class Forceplay
 class Generateevent
 class Givemana
 class Hidezone
 class Hop
 class Ifthenhop
 class Inputcolor
 class Inputnumber
 class Inputproperty
 class Inputzone
 class Insertability
 class Intlist
 class Lethaldamage
 class Losegame
 class Macro
 class Modifyregister
 class Movecard
 class Moveobject
 class Moveplayercard
 class Msg
 class Nextcurrentplayer
 class Nextphase
 class Paymana
 class Privateobject
 class Removeobject
 class Repeat
 class Resolvehidden
 class Restorecard
 class Rot0
 class Rot90
 class Setidcard
 class Showzone
 class Shuffle
 class Skipphase
 class Sound
 class Tap
 class Target
 class Targetlist
 class Unregisterthis
 class Untap
 class Updatelife
 class Updatetoughness

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml.event

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml.event that implement XmlToMDB
 class Arrangedzone
 class Assigneddamage
 class Attachedto
 class Becometapped
 class Becomeuntapped
 class Beforephase
 class Beginningofphase
 class Casting
 class Catchexception
 class Declaredattacking
 class Declaredblocking
 class Detached
 class Endofphase
 class Faceddown
 class Facedup
 class Givenmana
 class Losinggame
 class Modifiedcolor
 class Modifiedcontroller
 class Modifiedidcard
 class Modifiedowner
 class Modifiedproperty
 class Modifiedregister
 class Movedcard
 class Targeted

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml.expression

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml.expression that implement XmlToMDB
 class Add
 class Addhalfrounded
 class Addhalftruncated
 class And
 class Bitcount
 class Cardcolors
 class Cardtypes
          Expression returning the types of a card.
 class Counter
 class Deckcounter
          Count cards in a player's deck.
 class Divrounded
 class Divtruncated
 class Highestamong
 class Ifthenelse
 class Int
 class Lowestamong
 class Manapaid
 class Max
 class Method
 class Min
 class Minus
 class Mult
 class Or
 class Position
 class Tocode
 class Toindex
 class Xor

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml.modifier

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml.modifier that implement XmlToMDB
 class Abilitymodifier
 class Additionalcostmodifier
 class Colormodifier
 class Controllermodifier
 class Idcardmodifier
 class Object
 class Playablezonemodifier
 class Propertymodifier
 class Registerindirection
 class Registermodifier
 class Staticmodifier

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml.tbs

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml.tbs that implement XmlToMDB
 class Ability
 class Activatedability
 class Card
 class Replacementability
 class Systemability
 class Tbs
          This class represents an implementation of the XmlToMDB interface that converts a XML tbs node to its binary form to the given OutputSource.
 class Triggeredability

Uses of XmlToMDB in net.sf.magicproject.xml.test

Classes in net.sf.magicproject.xml.test that implement XmlToMDB
 class Abilityis
          Test if the ability owning this test is equal to the requested name.
 class Abilitysource
          Test if the ability generating the current event has the specified name.
 class Actionsource
          Test if the action generating the current event has the specified name.
 class Controller
 class Database
 class Has
 class Hasability
 class Hasaction
          Is the tested ability has the specifed action name.
 class Hascolor
 class Hasidcard
 class Haskeyword
 class Hasname
 class Hasprivateobject
 class Hasproperty
 class Inidcard
 class Inzone
 class Is
 class Isaborting
 class Isthis
 class Not
 class Null
 class Owner
 class Phaseis
 class Playableability
          Test if the ability owning this test is equal to the requested name.
 class Previouszone
 class Replacetested
          Replace the tested component by another inside the nested test scope.
 class Test
 class Validattachment
 class Validtargetattachment

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